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Retro keyboards, ASP.NET, PHP, & TypeScript

Building, learning, and growing in community is so important. Especially in the context of finding new opportunities.

This past week I spoke with several folks who are looking for engineering, developer relations or developer experience roles. The change in the job market has been dramatic over the past year. One thing that has stood out to me is the importance of community.

Other than my first job in engineering, every other position I’ve held has been due in some part to relationships I’ve built through the years. In larger cities, local meetups and conferences are an option for community, but as more and more people work remotely, in less populated areas, online communities are becoming more important.

Whether you’re on the hunt for a new role or will be one day, I want to encourage you to find a community of people that encourages you to learn and gives you opportunities to grow and help others.

A few great ones that come to mind are Virtual Coffee, Learn. Build. Teach. and, of course, our very own Build with Me.

As always, if there’s anything I can do to support you, feel free to reach out on Twitter (or X or whatever it is this week) or Discord. I’m @michaeljolley on both.

Catch you next week!


permalinkInteresting Finds

permalinkBuild with Me Weekly

This week in the Build with Me Community:

permalinkThankful Thursday Highlights

I’m thankful for implementing a successful Rick-Roll!


I’m thankful for my family putting up with me


I’m thankful for a hubby who makes me amazing breakfast while I’m stuck in meetings. Just makes my day.

Mary Jo