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Algorithms, GitHub Actions, and mechanical keyboards

After a week away, the Brain Dump is back with some super cool drops.

I know, I know. “Michael… did you fall asleep last week?” 😂 No, no. I have been covered up with projects and it totally got by me. Nevertheless, I’m back this week with some cool stuff that I’ve found recently.

See you online! Michael

permalinkInteresting Finds

permalinkBuild with Me Weekly

permalinkThankful Thursday Highlights

I’m thankful for my kiddos. They amaze me all the time. I’m a pretty lucky dad.


I’m thankful for TRT. Get your levels checked middle aged folks!


I’m thankful to be on my way to TwitchCon. It’ll be great to meet a bunch of people in person.


I’m thankful for having access to tools and knowledge for free over the internet.


I’m thankful to be able to stick to my 5k program.

Mary Jo